500 books in 50 days

ByFundacja Anioły Edukacji

500 books in 50 days

Have you started learning a foreign language by listening to fairy tales or children’s books in that language? Do you remember how intriguing it was to find out what hidden under those strange and foreign words? It probably interested you more than grammar books, even when you were older. Fairy tales are associated with childhood, fun and joyful time. The language of children’s books is simple and understandable, and at the same time it describes the world in a magical way. This is how children may best learn a new language. We want to give teachers books to make their classes more interesting.


OBJECTIVE: Target – collect 500 books in 50 days.

What books?

Books for children in different languages, namely fairy tales, picture dictionaries, thematic dictionaries, ebooks. E-book readers are also welcome.

What’s the aim?

To give them to people who teach children languages.

For whom?

Teachers working in schools, orphanages, cultural centers, etc.

 Why in this way?

So they can teach children through play, colorful images and text.

Because learning by having fun is easier and more interesting than doing grammar exercises. We want children ​​to associate learning a foreign with adventure and not just a school task. Knowledge of foreign languages, as we all know, allows children to freely interact with peers from other countries and learn about their culture. Thanks to this, children learn to be open towards others and towards new opportunities.


  •  Look through your bookshelf. Maybe you can find fairy tales from your childhood.
  • Attic, basement – there are often treasures hidden there. Explore in your old boxes. It’s also a great opportunity to go through your childhood memories.
  • Have your children or your children’s friends already grown up? Ask them if they have books they would like to give away to other children.
  • Ask your friends and work colleagues if they have any spare books. If you have the opportunity to organize an event at your company, we will provide you with materials (posters, newsletters etc.).
  • If you belong to a group (sports, science, religion, etc.)  you can share the information about this project with members. Maybe someone will be happy to join us as well.
  • Share the information about this action on your Facebook wall

LANGUAGE LEARNING should be for children
– an adventure
– a chance to get to know the world
– fun and pleasure
– an opportunity to explore the differences between their own culture and the culture of other nations


Fundacja „Anioły Edukacji”

ul. Dąbrowskiego 77A

60-529 Poznań


e-mail: fundacja@aniolyedukacji.org.pl

About the author

Fundacja Anioły Edukacji administrator

Fundacja "Anioły Edukacji" działa od 2017 roku. Opieramy się na założeniu, że człowiek uczy się przez całe życie. Zależy nam na tym, aby każdy mógł uczyć się właściwych rzeczy we właściwy dla siebie sposób. Dlatego prowadzimy doradztwo edukacyjne i zawodowe oraz pomagamy osobom uczącym się, rodzicom, nauczycielom i przedsiębiorcom tworzyć warunki wspomagające rozwój. Promujemy również czytelnictwo książek oraz prowadzimy szkolenia i warsztaty dla różnych grup.